On Multifaceted Development and the Role of Documentation
Tags: tech
, lisp
, pompousness
, Date: 2023-08-17
Catchy title, innit? I came up with it while trying to name the development style PAX enables. The original idea was something vaguely self-explanatory in a straight out of a marketing department kind of way, with tendrils right into your unconscious. Documentation-driven development sounded just the thing, but it's already taken. Luckily, I came to realize that neither documentation nor any other single thing should drive development. Less luckily for the philosophically disinclined, this epiphany unleashed my inner Richard P. Gabriel. I reckon if there is a point to what follows, it's abstract enough to make it hard to tell.
In programming, there is always a formalization step involved: we must go from idea to code. Very rarely, we have a formal definition of the problem, but apart from purely theoretical exercises, formalization always involves a jump of faith. It's like math word problems: the translation from natural to formal language is out of the scope of formal methods.
We strive to shorten the jump by looking at the solution carefully from different angles (code, docs, specs), by poking at it and observing its behaviour (tests, logs, input-output, debugging). These facets (descriptive or behavioural) of the solution are redundant with the code and each other. This redundancy is our main tool to shorten the jump. Ultimately, some faith will still be required, but the hope is that if a thing looks good from several angles and behaves well, then it's likely to be a good solution. Programming is empirical.
Tests, on the abstract level, have the same primary job as any other facet: constrain the solution by introducing redundancy. If automatic, they have useful properties: 1. they are cheap to run; 2. inconsistencies between code and tests are found automatically; 3. they exert pressure to keep the code easily testable (when tracking test coverage); 4. sometimes it's easiest to start with writing the tests. On the other hand, tests incur a maintenance cost (often small compared to the gains).
Unlike tests, documentation is mostly in natural language. This has the following considerable disadvantages: documentation is expensive to write and to check (must be read and compared to the implementation, which involves humans for a short while longer), consequently, it easily diverges from the code. It seems like the wrong kind of redundancy. On the positive side, 1. it is valuable for users (e.g. user manual) and also for the programmer to understand the intention; 2. it encourages easily explainable designs; 3. sometimes it's easiest to start with writing the documentation.
Like tests or any other facet, documentation is not always needed, it can drive the development process, or it can lag. But it is a tremendously useful tool to encourage clean design and keep the code comprehensible.
Writing and maintaining good documentation is costly, but the cost can vary greatly. Knuth's Literate Programming took the very opinionated stance of treating documentation of internals as the primary product, which is a great fit for certain types of problems. PAX is much more mellow. It does not require a complete overhaul of the development process or tooling; giving up interactive development would be too high a price. PAX is chiefly about reducing the distance between code and its documentation, so that they can be changed together. By doing so, it reduces the maintenance cost, improves both the design and the documentation, while making the code more comprehensible.
In summary,
Multiple, redundant facets are needed to have confidence in a solution.
Maintaining them has a cost.
This cost shapes the solution.
There is no universally good set of facets.
There need not be a primary facet to drive development.
We mentally switch between facets frequently.
Our tools should make working with multiple facets easier.
This is what PAX tries to do for documentation and code.
And that's the best 4KiB name I could come up with.